Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fast for Action

When loneliness turned to sadness
easy love looked for and accessed
couldn't bear the lesson from the pain was distracted
caught up in a love brewing fast for action

now i can see only slightly
but still loosing traction
forgot the foundation of a life built on passion
there's no reason for you asking
do you really love her
or are you just looking for some action

Monday, July 16, 2012

Audacity of Faith

Audacity defined: boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.
The daring part of my life has been my belief in what God showed me as a young boy. The first time i knew i felt God tugging on my heart was in the sixth grade. Even then i considered myself a Christian but still wanted more a real relationship with Him that wasn't falsified. One day in the sixth grade i decided to give my life to Him and believe that what Jesus did on the cross was for me. That He took on my sins so that i could be made pure and whole and be able to commune with the Father.
Shortly after this desire to learn about culture fell on me, and i began to fall in love with Japan.
In High School I once again experienced His presence one night as we were praying about our dreams. God gave me a vision. In this vision it was as if I was flying through the air and through the clouds. As I looked down I saw two countries Japan and Korea. Afterwards God told me in my spirit that He wants to use my passions and desires for His Kingdom. It was then that I learned how personal of god he is. He doesn't desire for any of us to fit into a box.
Recently my heart broke. I've been asking God and searching for answers to illness to pain and to disease. Seeing my grandfather's health deteriorate because of Alzheimer's Dementia and even Schizophrenia made me question God's ability to heal. God are you truly a good God. Is it your desire for us to go through pain? Is it your desire for families to be broken over illness? Does what breaks my heart break yours? Am i the only one who feels as if the pain of others should be relieved?
A couple of days ago I watched this film, The Father of Lights, and my perspective has been changed.
The book of John makes it clear Jesus says to simply ask the Father, whatever you would like in His name, and the Father will give it to you. Yet Jesus says, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. If you love.
The audacity for our faith is really the audacity to love.
God the Father of Love. Love is His very nature.