Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prop 8

I am the thought of ignorance
the confused
the brainwashed
i am the one who doesn't know why
I want to save marriage

I think its extremely important for people to understand the thought behind prop 8
It does garner some remnants of prejudice. However I am wondering whether there is some legitimate reason for a yes vote.
One thought I found to be reason was this: If I am a Christian, am I not to truly believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is real? If so what about our role here on earth, if that role is to live a life worthy of inheriting the Kingdom then where does gay marriage stand in that Kingdom?

An opposing thought: We inherent the Kingdom only through Christ and hence that Kingdom will not be manifested on earth until He decides to open the doors; not until the body of Christ as whole cries out for that return. Yet still do I need to live a life of holiness? The choice is then left to the individual to serve God; and trusting in Him to lead them to the truth.

So forgive me for voting yes

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